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Malaysian Passport
This will cover information on Citizenship, Malaysian Passport, Education and Public Holidays
Malaysian Passport
Apply for Malaysian Passport
Passports / travel documents are the property of the Malaysian government and may be withdrawn at any time if the Malaysian Immigration Department is satisfied the passports / travel documents are used in contravention of the Passport Act 1966. The holder is fully responsible for the security of the passport / travel document.
The passports are valid for two or five years from the date of issue.
Only Malaysian citizens can apply for Malaysian passports at any Immigration Office or Malaysian Representative Offices.

If there is a balance of the passport validity of a maximum six months, it can be carried if there are at least two unused available pages, the passport is not lost or damaged, and there are no cases under investigation.
The passport fees are RM100 for two years or RM300 for three years.
Exemption of payment is given to the disabled on the condition that they produce a letter from the Welfare Department.
Payment can be made in cash, Postal Order or Crossed Bank Draft. The latter, in Malaysia, must be made out in the name of the Director-General of Immigration Malaysia or State Immigration Director. When overseas, the name of the Malaysian High Commissioner, Deputy Malaysian High Commissioner, Malaysian Ambassador or Malaysian Consulate General (where applicable) is to be used.
To apply for a passport, the applicant must appear at the Immigration Office or Malaysian Representative Offices abroad, and have completed Form Im.42-pin 1/97 -- which can be obtained from any Malaysian Immigration Office or downloaded www.imi.gov.my .
Passport Renewal
If there is a balance of the passport validity of a maximum six months, it can be carried if there are at least two unused available pages, the passport is not lost or damaged, and there are no cases under investigation.
For applicants under 18, the same documents are required as for the first time application as well as the current Malaysia International Passport.
Applicants above 18 years, are only required to show their MyKad and the current Malaysia International Passport.
Restricted Passport to Brunei
The Malaysia Restricted Passport to Brunei Darussalam is a valid travel document issued to Malaysian citizens residing in Sabah, Sarawak and the Federal Territory of Labuan for the purpose of entering Brunei Darussalam.
Applications can be made at the Immigration Office in Sabah, Sarawak and Federal Territory of Labuan.
The Malaysia Restricted Passport to Brunei Darussalam is valid for a period of five years from the date of issue at a fee of RM150.
Lost Passport/Travel Document
A Police Report should be made as soon as possible and the matter is also to be reported to the Immigration Office.
Application for a replacement can be submitted at the nearest Immigration Office by submitting the application form with supporting documents, photocopy of police report and any other relevant documents.
Approval for the application of a replacement will depend on the decision of the panel.
Damaged Passport/Travel Document
Application for a new passport can be submitted at the nearest Immigration Office by submitting on application for a replacement and the approval will depend on the decision of the Immigration Department.
Border Pass (Malaysia - Indonesia)
This document is issued to Malaysian Citizens residing for six months and above in the Administrative District of Lundu, Bau, Kuching, Serian, Sri Aman and Lubok Antu in Sarawak as well as Pensiangan, Tenom, Sipitang and Tawau in the State of Sabah.
It is valid for one year from the date of issue and valid for multiple journeys. Permission will be granted to stay in Indonesia for 30 days for each entry.
State Secretary
Sarawak State Secretary Office,
Level 20 , Wisma Bapa Malaysia
Petra Jaya, 93502 Kuching
Tel :082-441957
Fax :082-441677
Email: 555999@sarawak.gov.my
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